Free Digital Cards level 3: early elementary = baking a cake

Piano Comics – free digital cards level 3: early elementary = baking a cake

*at the end of each week a new level will be added to a blog/post.

Dear teachers-colleagues: ‘Break’ a piano lesson with short, simple, effective and easy pieces that train useful piano skills. Practice music forms such as Menuets and Canons, exercice and strengthen polyphonic abilities for the fingers and enrich, ear-train your students for more ‘modern’ harmonies and rhythmical patterns.

The cards are divided into 5 levels:

Level 1: Beginners = walk in the park

Level 2: Late beginners = bicycle ride

Level 3: Early elementary = baking a cake

Level 4: Elementary = knowing the time table

Level 5: Bold little pianists = not falling off a snowboard

*the names of levels are relative to each teacher’s pedagogical system

Each of the heroes of Piano Comics are presenting their own piece:

Fusha – Polyphonic Pieces

Goliath – Studies

Spiky – Canons

Webeh – ‘Jazzy Blues, Bluesy Jazz’

BTB – Menuets


Dear students: Get to know our 5 heroes, animal friends of Piano Comics. They are adorable:

Fusha, the self-absorbed, snob and intelligent grey cat.

Goliath, the energetic, competitive and fearless piglet.

Spiky, the naive, timid, tender and golden-hearted hedgehog.

Webeh, the mischievous, greedy, lazy but loyal frog.

BTB, the wise, calm and sometimes melancholic Blue Teddy Bear.


Use these cards in any way you think would be helpful for a student at the appropriate level.

*click the cards to download them in high resolution.

Enjoy and have a fun practice! Cause learning piano is simple, fun and no adult has ever stated ‘I wish I didn’t have piano (insert any instrument here) lessons when I was a kid’.


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